Wednesday, December 12, 2018

CRIRE 12.11.18

Day three of our trip to Costa Rica. We all woke up early like usual around 6am so we make it in time for breakfast at 6:30am. There was quite a commotion in the trees early in the morning. The noises were from a flock of parrots that were also waking up. They seem to wake up and make quite a bit of noise and then fly off together while still being loud. It's different here the birds are everywhere and all sorts of unique colors variations. There are two types of birds that I immediately grew fond of. One being the Blue-Crowned Motmot its a beautiful blue and it has a very unique tail. The other bird being the Cara Cara an eagle like bird of prey. The Biological Station is beautiful upon exploring it more extensively. I'm still waiting to see some monkeys. Another student (Kassandra) who caught the planes with me to Costa Rica with was lucky enough to view some monkeys. It's nearing the end of day four and yet still no monkey sightings for me except a video from a cell phone.

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